Journal of Applied Dental
and Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences is A Quarterly Published


Management of Internal root resorption in maxillary lateral incisor with Thermoplasticized gutta-percha technique: A case report

Thakur Veerandar Singh , Abhilasha Jain , Kiran Ghatole , Sistla Venkata Jyotsna , Satish Kumar Gujjarlapudi 


Internal root resorption is relatively a rare type of resorption as result of chronic inflammatory process resulting in loss of dental tissues. The affected tooth is usually asymptomatic so the condition usually lies undiagnosed, further leading to perforation. Early diagnosis of this condition and appropriate treatment is necessary to enhance prognosis of the teeth. The case report demonstrates management of maxillary lateral incisor with internal resorption with conventional nonsurgical endodontic therapy combined with calcium hydroxide medication; irrigation with ultrasonic (Endoactivator) and obturation with MTA based sealer (MTA Filapex) and thermoplasticised gutta-percha (Calamus) with regular follow up for one year.

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